If given the chance to wield the proverbial magic wand, would your life undergo a profound transformation?
Do you sense a deep yearning, an emptiness that pervades your being, yet identifying its source remains elusive?
Are you standing on the edge of change, feeling stuck by self-doubt or uncertainty about your next steps?
Are you experiencing feelings of exhaustion or frustration due to a sense of disconnection with yourself, your child, partner, or family, yet feeling overwhelmed about how to begin addressing these challenges?
Welcome To Your Expansion
Today, you are an inch closer to finding your path, facing your shadow, and discovering your True Self!
As a spiritual-seeking woman, or a woman on her path of motherhood: you are poised to awaken the inherent power within you, to embrace your Truth, and to become the change you wish to embody in your everyday life. It all starts within you.
As you evolve, you bring harmony to your inner and outer worlds, catalyzing a ripple effect of transformation that yourself, your child, and your ancestors have been waiting for. You dismantle the trance of walking in a circle of conditionings and generational traumas, and begin to walk in a spiral of rebirth towards experiencing true freedom.

You choose to heal and learn how to crack the codes so your children don't have to.
You become the leader of your life, the living example for your child (or inner child) you wished you had.
By doing this for yourself, it gives permission to others to do the same.
This is a chance to emerge whole.
The truth is? You already ARE whole!
YOU are the one you have been seeking.
You just have to remember.

Amalia J., Artist, Singer & Song Writer
Paulina is a gift to cross paths with. Her clarity, insight, and magnetic optimism provide a beaming light for anyone seeking to see and know their truth.

Polina, PhD, Medical Intuitive Wellness Coach
It is mind blowing! Feels so good to be seen for who you are. Paulina has helped me to recognize my strengths and gifts, but also be aware of shadow aspects- all of that in a very compassionate manner; which I truly appreciate.

Carley, Holistic Functional Nutrition Health Coach
Paulina is an open channel and allows magic to happen through you. She meets you at your place of openness and vulnerability. She holds space for you to rise to your potential and to clear unwanted stored and stuck memories so you can raise your vibration
You Are Not Alone On This Journey

As a fellow sister and mother, I walk alongside you, offering guidance as you navigate towards empowerment, joy, and fulfilment of trusting, surrendering, and having faith within yourself and in your life.
Together, we illuminate the path through the darkness, helping you rediscover your inner light, your inner compass, your most connected version of Self.
It is my highest honor to witness you on your journey of igniting the flame of your Wild Heart.
To love who you are and to love who you came here to be.
To be the living example of a soul and heart-led woman.
I look forward to co-creating with you.
Connect with me today for a Complimentary Consultation to begin your journey.
Together We Rise, Together We Remember!
Welcome to the Wild Heart Wolf Pack, Sister

Meet Paulina Smith

Foundation of a Psychotherapist
Heart of a Mother
Mind of a Coach
Soul of a Priestess
Paulina Smith, known as the Therapeutic Priestess, is a compassionate soul guide, a bridge between psychology and spirituality, and a community weaver.
She is dedicated to raising human consciousness through heart and soul alignment.
She is a Consciousness Concierge who is able to attune to where you are currently at and guide you to where you desire to go within your growth.
With 10+ years of clinical experience in trauma-informed care, Paulina has supported women and families navigate through trauma, life transitions, spiritual awakenings, fertility journeys, pregnancy, and motherhood.
Following a spiritual call, Paulina relocated with her family from the Bay Area to Big Island Hawaii to rewild their human.
Passionate and optimistic, she inspires others to embrace the ceremony of their life.